TIGER DRAMA Advanced CLASS auditions
If you signed up for/are wanting to be in Advanced Theatre/Musical Theatre for 2020/2021, fill out the google application here: https://forms.gle/MaPg8Gc2JoZxcq3T7. Both the completed google application and your video auditions should be completed/emailed to gregp@spokaneschools.org NO LATER THAN MIDNIGHT on SUNDAY MARCH 29th.
In addition to the online google application, you must also submit an audition video of yourself performing up to 3 minutes of material from a theatrical play or musical. This can be a monologue, a song, or a short combination of both. These should be ACTING BASED pieces where your character is talking to another character or trying to achieve some objective. These audition videos must be emailed to gregp@spokaneschools.org NO LATER THAN SUNDAY MARCH 29th by midnight.
You will need to upload a video to a private YouTube link or send the video directly or via Office365 to Pschirrer at gregp@spokaneschools.org.