Start the process:
Access this portal site to begin an application.
Click on the Blue Thespys to access the account page.
In order to fill out any application, you will need to have an account. When you click to start any application, you will have the option to either login (if you used Open Water last year for Washington Thespys or for ITF you can use the same login) or create an account. Once you have created an account you will be taken to the application page.
Applying for an event:
Ensure you are filling out the correct application for a particular event
If you are participating in more than one event (maximum of three), you will need to fill out more than one application. All students will be charged only once regardless of the number of events you are participating in. ($30 Thespians, $35 Non-Thespians). Read carefully as some applications may have different eligibility rules, and requirements than others.
If you are applying for Acting Duo, Acting Group Scene, Musical Duet, and Musical Group only one person needs to submit the application. Other people involved should be listed as additional participants. Communicate with your group members/collaborators about who is going to start the application, so you don’t end up with duplicated submissions.
Here is a video guide for the process listed below to complete your application.
Set the teacher as the Primary Collaborator
First click on the Manage Collaborators button. This is a very important step to allow access to scores and comments from the adjudicators.
Click on the Add Collaborator button and fill in the First Name, Last Name and Email Address of your teacher: GREG PSCHIRRER -
Designate them as the Primary Collaborator by clicking on the arrow beside the Primary tab.
Then click Back To Submission to finish your application.
If you find that you don't have all of the information you need to complete your application you can save it and come back and edit the information.
Please ensure that any digital materials (Google docs, YouTube links, etc.) are shared using public links that will allow any adjudicators to view once they click in. If your application materials do not have the appropriate privacy settings, your application may not be evaluated.